ISS Mine Safety is pleased to announce the expansion of its Autonomous Haulage System (AHS) product offering. ISS is now representing the complete line of AHS products as an official supplier of MTGA. MTGA (the Mining Technicians Group of Australia) provides advanced mining technology to improve AHS infrastructure through access control, establishing LTE and WIFI networks, implementing remote power stations, data monitoring and autonomous command and operation.
ISS Mine Safety can support and implement solutions to keep your autonomous mine operating efficiently and safely.
Successful AHS implementation appears to depend more on execution than the technology; A recent article from The Intelligent Miner discussing the rise of autonomous mine haulage, conveys that mines have yet to make the most of the what autonomous mine systems can offer. Trusting the technology will take time, but by applying the appropriate support and safety systems, developing trust becomes less an obstacle.
Confidently manage variables and control what can be controlled to ensure a safe implementation of an autonomous system. Implementing barriers and remotely monitoring autonomous vehicles are some of the ways to manage safety, depending on AHS execution. For new or existing autonomous mines, ISS now offers solutions to help ease safety concerns and build a safe environment around and within, your autonomous haulage system.
Our robotic refueling system by SCOTT Automation and MTGA’s AHS safety products offer Canadian and North American mines a carefully selected line of autonomous haulage services in Canada and North America.
Contact ISS today to discuss your AHS safety concerns – we have a solution for you.
Formed in 2008, MTGA was developed to meet the need for the specialized skills required to maintain and improve auto electrical technology products in heavy mobile machinery. MTGA’s products incorporate the most advanced fuel cell, solar and wind power systems into their products to optimize availability and minimize continued service. With extensive experience working with AHS projects across the globe, MTGA products offer a proven solution for a safer autonomous mine.
For additional details on the AHS products and services we offer, please call today, or stay tuned for more details.